
Chinese Miracle-2 (Release) RDA/Coolsand v1.01 released

.Support for new FlashIc and CPU revision released!
Fidelix Series: 2Mib (Q16), 1Mib(Q8)
Winbond Series: 2Mib (Q16), 1Mib(Q8)
GigaDevice Series: 2Mib (Q16), 1Mib(Q8)
Micron Series: 2Mib (W16), 1Mib(W8)
EON Silicon Series: 2Mib (S16), 1Mib(S8)
.Improved connection for some 8851 revisions (GPS trackers and some other devices)
.Firmware reading (Infinity Format) improved for phones with non-standard structure
.Format procedure revised
.FlashID database updated
.FlashLoader Package Updated
.Firmware info detection improved
.Factory Sector Rebuild improved
.Internal improvements

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