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NCK Box Shell v0.2
Making Things Easy for Our Valuable Users

Driver Downloader
A simple tool to detect USB devices on your system. No more need to check which driver is needed. Simply find all devices with driver issue, or even device with no driver loaded. Just a few clicks and it will try to identify your device automatically and will allow you to download its driver if found.

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

[x] Find
- Click it and it will display list of all USB Device ever connected to your PC. Tick Bad Devices Only Checkbox if you need to find devices only with driver issues or with not drivers. Tick Connected Device Only if you want list of USB Devices which are currently connected to your PC. If you tick both Checkbox then it will list only currently connected devices with driver issues.

[x] Detect
- Click this button and then connect your USB Device like phone etc and it will try to detect to it and show in list. If Only Bad Devices is ticked then it will list Device only if that device is not properly installed. If Only Bad Devices is not ticked, it will list all devices which it detected.

[x] Identify
- When device list is populated, you need to click this button. Software will connect to server to fetch information of listed devices. If a device was identified by server, you will see its description and Driver name in Status column. A "Y" in Get column means you can download that driver. If you don not want to download that particular driver, simply double click on that device and "Y" will disappear.

[x] Download
- When device identification has been completed and Driver name has been populated, you can download driver by click on Download button. All drivers will be downloaded in Drivers folder inside Download Location path (check in Installers page).

[x] Save Log
- If you find out that some devices were not identified by Server, you can save log and post it our support section so that we can update Identification System and provide you driver.

[x] Clear - Clear Device list.

[x] Explore - Driver download location will open in Windows Explorer.

Download NCK Box Shell 0.2 Setup from Support Area by NCK Box Main Module > Settings > Go Support


Use Shell > Installer Page to download.

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