Added Enable All Languages on 99% of Android Phones Without Flashing - Morelocale / Morelocale2 installation without ROOT for versions 4.4.4 and above. morelocale2.APK is placed in data folder, (Credits goes to ReDeYeS for help.) t
Added support for MT6592, MT6595 CPU.
Added Backup & Restore NVRAM in meta mode



OT-4037N - Read codes in flash mode/Boot info/Format/Flashing etc..
OT-4118 - Read codes in flash mode/Boot info/Format/Flashing etc..
OT-4037X - Read codes in flash mode/Boot info/Format/Flashing etc..
OT-4136E - Read codes in flash mode/Boot info/Format/Flashing etc..
OT-972X - Read codes in flash mode/Boot info/Format/Flashing etc..
OT-5120A - Read codes in flash mode/Boot info/Format/Flashing etc..

Megafon Login + - Direct Unlock//Boot info/Format/Flashing etc..
Beeline E700 - Direct Unlock//Boot info/Format/Flashing etc..
Beeline Smart 3 - Direct Unlock//Boot info/Format/Flashing etc..
Lenovo A369I - Direct Unlock//Boot info/Format/Flashing etc..

More Info & Download Link:

Official website:
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