We are glad to present new Activation in cooperation with Asansam Box Team !
From now its possible to activate Asansam Box software for your Infinity-Box Smart-Cards. This means you can add Asansam Box software into your Infinity Smart-Card and save time and money for physical delivery.

Official information from Asansam Box Team is HERE

Asansam Box Activation available for the next Infinity products:
- Main Infinity-Box
- Infinity-Box Dongle
- Infinity [BEST]
- Infinity CDMA-Tool

Price: Infinity-Box - Price-list

How to buy:
- Contact to any Reseller from list: Infinity-Box - How to buy
- Reseller must know your Infinity S/N
- How to read Infinity S/N: Infinity-Box - Support
- Update your Infinity Smart-Card firmware with DongleManager
- Run Asansam Box software

Important: Asansam Box Software will work with Activation starting from Rev 3.0.4

1. Download and install Asansam Box software

2. Run Asansam Box software

3. Select Infinity Team Products and click to Run button

Asansam Box software Activation for Infinity users &file=SelectProduct

4. Wait some time, software will detect Dongle

5. Select Option [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط] and click to Ok button

Asansam Box software Activation for Infinity users &file=SelectOption

6. Enter your registration data and click to Request License button

Asansam Box software Activation for Infinity users &file=RegistrationData

7. Wait little bit, software will get license from server. Disable your PC Firewall and/or Antivirus for best result !

8. Restart Asansam Box software, you will see your Asansam Box S/N