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:توضيح:Instructions MTK6577 USB VCOM Driver Installation

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descriptionشرح:توضيح:Instructions MTK6577 USB VCOM Driver Installation

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Instructions MTK6577 USB VCOM Driver Installation

des problèmes avec l'installation du pilote USB VCOM pour MTK6577 apparaissent Téléphones, voici un petit guide pour l'installation
et une finale, test réussi avec SPFlashtool!

Installation of the USB VCOM driver:

[1] With USBDeview, clean up your PC from all possible old MTK VCOM entries, then reboot your PC.

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

[2] Smartphone is switched off, and still dont connect via USB to the PC.

[3] Open Device Manager and leave it open!

[4] Your switched off Smartphone with inserted rechargeable battery via USB connect now on the PC, you should now see a MT65xx preloader in the Device Manager.
(With some MTK6577 Smartphones should be installed without battery. Please before hand inform.)

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[5] now launch the Installdriver.exe from the unzipped MT6577 USB VCOM drivers folder. Confirm the installation of unsigned drivers

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[6] now! (W7 x 64 this confirmation comes later in the manual installation!) After the installation is complete, you have no entry in the Device Manager, it is correctly!

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
[7] PC reboot!

[8] Open Device Manager and open the switched-off Smartphone via USB to the PC release, now connect (same USB port!)

[9] Now a MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM should appear for a brief moment in the Device Manager entry!

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

[10] At the moment the entry double click and click on "Update driver" under the tab "Driver".

[11] With the wizard in the unzipped MTK 6577 USB VCOM drivers navigate and select the folder for your operating system.

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descriptionشرحرد: :توضيح:Instructions MTK6577 USB VCOM Driver Installation


descriptionشرحرد: :توضيح:Instructions MTK6577 USB VCOM Driver Installation


descriptionشرحرد: :توضيح:Instructions MTK6577 USB VCOM Driver Installation


descriptionشرحرد: :توضيح:Instructions MTK6577 USB VCOM Driver Installation

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descriptionشرحرد: :توضيح:Instructions MTK6577 USB VCOM Driver Installation

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descriptionشرحرد: :توضيح:Instructions MTK6577 USB VCOM Driver Installation

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